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Leveraging Audio Platforms to Drive Fan Engagement Across Platforms

June 15, 2022

 Audio platform to drive fan engagement

Encouraging incredible social media engagement does not have to have its origins on social media.

Properly leveraging other channels can be a great jumping-off point when putting the call out for user-generated content (UGC) and engagement. Radio giveaways are very popular and an excellent example of the potential of driving from one channel to another. And by radio, I’m also referring to any audio platform such as Clubhouse, Fireside, Twitter spaces, podcasts, live events, etc.

I was driving the other day and the radio DJ (are they still called DJs?) announced an amazing giveaway. It was a concert that involved tickets to a once-in-a-lifetime concert, air travel, and a hotel for two days. I was amped.

Entry was this: 

  1. Remember the long web page URL (something something dot com slash something something)
  2. Drive home
  3. Go to the internet, type in the URL (something something dot com slash something something), and register.

Few quick observations:

  1. I’m driving and can’t write down a URL
  2. I’m driving and can’t remember a long URL
  3. Entering on your phone while driving is dangerous (My lawyer suggested I add this). 

As someone willing to enter I can likely remember the gist of the giveaway and the channel I’m listening to, however, a long URL? 
Auditory directions face an uphill battle. 

Researchers at the University of Iowa have found that when it comes to memory, we don't remember things we hear nearly as well as things we see or touch. So it’s important to create something as memorable as possible.

What if it were easier?

  • What if the DJ was able to give me a simple way to enter that I could easily remember
  • What if this could be multi-platform 
  • What if this could be done at scale

Let’s assume a different scenario for a moment:

What if the DJ said, “DM us on Instagram #EaglesSweepstakes and and we’ll DM you back a link to enter.”

Now my task is to remember a simple hashtag and DM the radio station on Instagram.

Once the listener sends that DM a few things happen:

  • The listener receives a trackable link to the registration form from the brand
  • Your anonymous listener is now a known fan
  • You'll know who did or didn't click on the link they received in DM
  • You can easily track registration completion

Where does the link sent in the DM go?

Anywhere you'd like. Can be to register for the contest (like the example above) with the option of supplying additional first-party data, mailing list opt-in, etc. (Tip: don’t make it an option - ask for the opt-in).

In Summary
In the end, you generate great interaction and engagement from your fans. 

The entry form should be short and sweet with an email marketing list opt-in question. First-party data is going to be extremely important in the future. You want to start building a culture of engagement and be collecting emails NOW so that you can communicate with your fans and customers outside of the social channels. 

Social channels can disappear (MySpace anyone?) so it’s imperative you start building relationships outside of social media with your customers and fans. 

Looking for the easiest turnkey solution to do all of the above? Contact
Stampede Social today our solution has you covered.

Stampede Social is the only social engagement tool that gives brands and agencies meaningful, manageable, and insightful experiences on Instagram. To learn more, contact us for a demo at

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